Wednesday, December 27, 2006

12/14 Pictures (Finally!)

I'm slow and lazy, but I have finally gotten the pictures to upload from our end-of-semester party at Johnny O's. Without further ado (click on pictures for full-size image):

Toby, Melissa and Eric are mesmerized with Ms. PacMan.

Don and Rebecca duke it out in foosball while Vijit and Girish look on.

Rebecca takes on Amit and Alicia by herself with encouragment from Erika.

Eric, Derek and Toby LOVE GoldenTee!

But not as much as Andy does!

Eric tried to cheat by kicking the power cord several times once he fell behind.

Jen and Melissa hitting on the statue dude.

Lucas, Jen and Melissa LOVE statue dude.

Ride 'em cowboy!

Stay tuned...another party is in the works the weekend before the semester starts to celebrate our 5-week vacation. Somewhere in the January 18-21 area.

1 comment:

Toby said...

VERY NICE!!! Well done Andy.